HWW Encourages you to interact, support, share and engage in this growing community. Remember, we become our intentions through our speech and actions.
What a dilemma? What about the fact that people are allergic to perfume when people smother themselves with a bottle of cologne? It is rather sad that our entire world is becoming more and more limited and restricted. First, we take off our shoes and get patted down. Then, we empty our luggage of liquids like 'water' or juice. Now, we pick our the peanuts from our fruit and nut mix to munch on the plane. Where will it all end?
BTW For those who question why they don't check for peanuts at birthday parties and schools. They do! My grandchildren's classroom are not allowed to have any peanuts or even products that contain peanuts, that includes children bringing their own home-made lunches. My sister used to have and PB&J sandwich every day in public school. What's next? Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Nina has been on YouTube almost one full year. She is a population figure sharing her life story. She has been treated for breast cancer and a heart attack. Presently, Nina is living in a wheelchair because the doctors cut her nerve during a cardiac catheterzation procedure.
I guess that provides something to ruminate about, both the fact that HuffPost deemed necessary to find post unacceptable and the fact that people get lost when it comes to homeopathy.
Sometimes, when things are not clear to us, they simply don't make any sense at all. It may take a few years when everyone catches on. About Health Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
Thank you to all my wonderful friends who have supported me through this time of conflict. We are the light. We are the truth. We are the spirit.
Forces of light and dark, positive and negative play against each other in times of change. Learning to stand up to be counted, to have a voice that is heard is a challenge and requires courage.
I am so proud of all that has taken up the banner. Bravo! To those who have provided scientific evidence, their personal stories, their time and energy writing, calling, emailing to unify the effort.
The results are good. Take a look at this video! Thank you Carol Boyce.
Conflict of Interest May Ensnare Journalist Health reporters may become entangled in the same kinds of ethical conflicts they often expose when accepting industry-sponsored awards and relying on corporate public relations offices, three researchers warn.
The Alternative Medicine Cabinet: Arnica for Pain Relief Arnica Montana, a plant native to mountainous areas of Europe & North America, has been used for centuries to treat a variety of pain. Athletes rub it on muscles for soreness and strains. Arthritis sufferers rub it on joints to reduce pain.
Arnica For Bruising American Cancer Society | Other common name(s): arnica root, common arnica, arnica flowers, mountain arnica, mountain tobacco, leopardsbane, wolfsbane
Katie Melua sings about 6 Million Bicycles in Beijing. Read about the beauty of bicycling. How does man fit with his bicycle? To what lengths does he go to work together in harmony without strain? Learn about bikefit.
I never expected to be writing about oral cancer. Things just happen that way. You're going along doing your thing when inspiration strikes. Better inspiration than getting diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. I was reading an article in a social community - hubpages - when I realized there were limited options to treatment.
As a cancer survivor, we are all aware of surgery, chemo and radiation. The results are not pretty, the process is not easy. The side-effects are horrific. What can a person do when they living within different stages of this disease? What are other and axillary options to care?
Everyone knows that I believe homeopathy has a first rate place in medical care for every condition because we evaluate and prescribe based upon symptoms. Homeopaths look at everyone as an individual and do not treat with standardized one-size-fits-all programs.
There are top-notch remedies that have traditionally been used for cancers of all kinds. They are chosen for targeting the symptoms of burning, degeneration, corrosive sensations, destruction, eating away feelings. Also taken into consideration are our emotions like feeling embarrassed or shut out, the downward spiral of depression, loss of control, chaos, anger and sadness.
Please visit my article with information about pre-cancerous screening techniques and what to look for in pre-cancerous lesions. There is a list of remedies that may be selected by a professional homeopath who has experience in this field.
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