Homeopathy will rise to the surface as the people return to nature. When we realize our environment is toxic and polluted on every front, we will begin to change our ways and demand that government back us up. Too many have seen the results of taking drugs as a palliative for every illness and disorder. Too many have to deal with the side effects of inbalances in the system, in relationships, communities and habitat. As we take responsibility for ourselves and our families we will search and find traditional herbs, flower essences, healing movement, ancient breathwork, the power of sunlight, sound therapy, hands on healing and homeopathy.
We Can Change the World
If you want to participate in this great healing movement please join with us at HomeopathyWorldWide Twitter Group. We will be developing our programs and explaining our goals for the future in the coming year. We truly encourage you to speak up and tell us your ideas. This is a community project.
Blessings to all,
Debby Bruck, CHOM
creator of HWW