Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Homeopathy a pseudo-science? Not

Homeopathy a pseudo-science? Not

Katie Melua sings about 6 Million Bicycles in Beijing. Read about the beauty of bicycling. How does man fit with his bicycle? To what lengths does he go to work together in harmony without strain? Learn about bikefit.

What is science?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Homeopathy: Mouth Cancer Remedies

Homeopathy: Mouth Cancer Remedies

I never expected to be writing about oral cancer. Things just happen that way. You're going along doing your thing when inspiration strikes. Better inspiration than getting diagnosed with a life-threatening disease. I was reading an article in a social community - hubpages - when I realized there were limited options to treatment.

As a cancer survivor, we are all aware of surgery, chemo and radiation. The results are not pretty, the process is not easy. The side-effects are horrific. What can a person do when they living within different stages of this disease? What are other and axillary options to care?

Everyone knows that I believe homeopathy has a first rate place in medical care for every condition because we evaluate and prescribe based upon symptoms. Homeopaths look at everyone as an individual and do not treat with standardized one-size-fits-all programs.

There are top-notch remedies that have traditionally been used for cancers of all kinds. They are chosen for targeting the symptoms of burning, degeneration, corrosive sensations, destruction, eating away feelings. Also taken into consideration are our emotions like feeling embarrassed or shut out, the downward spiral of depression, loss of control, chaos, anger and sadness.

Please visit my article with information about pre-cancerous screening techniques and what to look for in pre-cancerous lesions. There is a list of remedies that may be selected by a professional homeopath who has experience in this field.


  • The information on this blogsite is posted for educational purposes only, and not intended to constitute medical or legal advice. As with any important medical or legal matter, you are advised to consult an experienced health care provider and/or knowledgeable attorney concerning your specific health & vaccine exemption or waiver concerns.

  • No attorney-client relationship or doctor-patient relationship is intended, implied or created by the posting or viewing of information on this site; nor is a doctor-patient or an attorney-client relationship created by the submission or exchange of questions or information via email or otherwise with Debby Bruck

  • Readers are responsible for their use of information provided on this blog or linked to from this site. Debby Bruck assumes no liability for the same.

  • Debby Bruck has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of information on this blog site, but absolute accuracy is not guaranteed.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Validating Your Twitter Followers

Robots versus Humans
In all this time I have not known about a way to make sure Twitter followers are not bots, robots, spam, or otherwise unsavory kinds of twerps.

Today I received a tweet from someone in Singapore requesting to use one of my audio files on her website. I thought that was a kind of honor and visited her page.

This is the wise thing to do to make sure you want to communicate and connect with the other party. "Looks like a super person named
Kelly" I said to myself and went ahead to ask which audio she wanted to use.

Then next thing I know, there is a message in my email box with a link to
TrueTwit validating that I am a real person. How funny!

Well, I am looking forward to see how this program works. Apparently
500,000 users already.

TrueTwit has a Vision
TrueTwit is a service committed to making it easier to manage your Twitter followers without having to wade manually though spam users. TrueTwit attempts to validate your new followers to see if they are human as opposed to automated bots. We are hoping to help you more easily manage your follower list without giving up control

Monday, June 1, 2009

Seven Reasons Homeopaths Should Join Twitter

From Small Beginnings Lead Great Rewards

I started to tweet January 23, 2009. [See TwitterCounter] That's about five months. It’s taken an investment in time to learn the ins and outs. And I’m still learning new tricks each week as the twitterverse is quite friendly and so many are willing to share. 

Most importantly I want to encourage homeopaths to get out there in the social networking world because that investment will lead to great rewards. I believe the time is now to get in on this revolutionary way to communicate with each other and the world.

Here are seven reasons why you should join Twitter and how it can benefit the world and grow your business.

Create Associations

Twitter is a great way to meet other people interested in alternative health approaches, people looking for non-invasive healthcare, and other practitioners in the field. The best thing is answering people’s questions, meeting new people, and partnering up on common projects. Because we can touch base for a few minutes each day we can actually share a little about our lives, encourage each other when times are tough and make long-lasting relationships. Because we have common ideals we bond more easily. 

A Source of Information

Once we begin to connect, I’ve found my new friends are a wonderful source of information. The articles they are reading, the blogs they are writing are great for re-tweeting. They also direct my attention to new information that seems to come serendipitously at the perfect time. Often someone is tweeting from a seminar, or about a new line of remedies, or a controversial article that needs to be commented upon. Discovery is the spice of life. I like to store a number of great articles or blogs to share in my twitwall and then it is easy for others to re-tweet. I’ve grown many new followers this way.

Correct Misinformation

At a time when everyone can say whatever they like, we often find that little bits of misinformation can ruin the understanding and comprehension of a system that is based upon solid ground. Rumors and lies can be spread like wildfire. But, somehow the good and noble will win. That is because people know in their heart, minds and souls truth when they see and feel it within themselves. When they use an appropriate remedy for their symptom whether it be sadness, anger, a bruise, scrape, inability to digest or go to the bathroom and find their condition improves, then there is no doubt or question in their minds. So, it is helpful for homeopaths to confirm the knowledge that the general public and experts in the field hold dear. That message is clear. Homeopathy works, no matter if it is put under a microscope. 

Reduce Isolation

Most homeopaths are considered sole proprietors because they work mostly on their own, distanced by many miles. There are some who work in hospitals, clinics and school environments who are fortunate to be able to share their work and discuss client cases. However, the majority plug away on their own. Twitter provides a communication tool to share highlights of the day and be  that “source of information” to inspire and motivate.

They can also feel they are working together advocating for this incredible healing modality. Not only can homeopaths connect with each other, but there are all those nurses, doctors, parents, athletes, construction workers, managers and the entire population of people who deal with the daily stresses of life. People who just don’t want to ‘pop a pill’ and have found homeopathy works for them. They experienced how homeopathic remedies support them through the physical, mental and emotional levels of stress. Many of these people say ‘it is my life’ or ‘it is my passion.’ They want to share and spread the news. Twitter is a way to congregate, advocate, and celebrate homeopathy all together.


So it seems connecting with other people, whether friend, colleague or client, the homeopath does not have to feel alone. And I just love it when someone Retweets a message, which brings me to my next reason! When some one retweets then you know that your message was not only read, heard, but valuable enough to be shared with others. What an honor. Often one tweet will lead to another. 

Surveys and Polls

When someone has a question or wants to learn a consensus then Twitter comes to the rescue. Create a poll in PollDaddy or TwitPoll and ask away. People are willing and ready to give their opinion.

Serve Others & Receive

When people are passionate about helping other people there are great rewards. First, is in knowing someone is healthier and happier. Second, because of your good deed, that grows your reputation. You become known as a helper and healer. People depend upon your advice and knowledge. You become an expert in your field. In turn, others Retweet what you have to say and often give glowing testimonials or recommendations. What a great way to grow your business.


Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Beginning

Hello World ~ This is the beginning of a new era. Although homeopathy officially began around 200 years ago, the time has come for worldwide acceptance. The medical system is broken and everyone knows it. Many nurturing caring individuals are trying to make amends. We thanks them for speaking up. However, we cannot continue down the same old road by pouring tons of money into a broken system, into more and more bandages to patch things up and hold it together. We must reach to the core of the problem and promote prevention. We must advocate for improved lifestyle and a holistic approach to healthcare.

Homeopathy will rise to the surface as the people return to nature. When we realize our environment is toxic and polluted on every front, we will begin to change our ways and demand that government back us up. Too many have seen the results of taking drugs as a palliative for every illness and disorder. Too many have to deal with the side effects of inbalances in the system, in relationships, communities and habitat. As we take responsibility for ourselves and our families we will search and find traditional herbs, flower essences, healing movement, ancient breathwork, the power of sunlight, sound therapy, hands on healing and homeopathy.

We Can Change the World
If you want to participate in this great healing movement please join with us at HomeopathyWorldWide Twitter Group. We will be developing our programs and explaining our goals for the future in the coming year. We truly encourage you to speak up and tell us your ideas. This is a community project.

Blessings to all,
Debby Bruck, CHOM
creator of HWW