Monday, June 1, 2009

Seven Reasons Homeopaths Should Join Twitter

From Small Beginnings Lead Great Rewards

I started to tweet January 23, 2009. [See TwitterCounter] That's about five months. It’s taken an investment in time to learn the ins and outs. And I’m still learning new tricks each week as the twitterverse is quite friendly and so many are willing to share. 

Most importantly I want to encourage homeopaths to get out there in the social networking world because that investment will lead to great rewards. I believe the time is now to get in on this revolutionary way to communicate with each other and the world.

Here are seven reasons why you should join Twitter and how it can benefit the world and grow your business.

Create Associations

Twitter is a great way to meet other people interested in alternative health approaches, people looking for non-invasive healthcare, and other practitioners in the field. The best thing is answering people’s questions, meeting new people, and partnering up on common projects. Because we can touch base for a few minutes each day we can actually share a little about our lives, encourage each other when times are tough and make long-lasting relationships. Because we have common ideals we bond more easily. 

A Source of Information

Once we begin to connect, I’ve found my new friends are a wonderful source of information. The articles they are reading, the blogs they are writing are great for re-tweeting. They also direct my attention to new information that seems to come serendipitously at the perfect time. Often someone is tweeting from a seminar, or about a new line of remedies, or a controversial article that needs to be commented upon. Discovery is the spice of life. I like to store a number of great articles or blogs to share in my twitwall and then it is easy for others to re-tweet. I’ve grown many new followers this way.

Correct Misinformation

At a time when everyone can say whatever they like, we often find that little bits of misinformation can ruin the understanding and comprehension of a system that is based upon solid ground. Rumors and lies can be spread like wildfire. But, somehow the good and noble will win. That is because people know in their heart, minds and souls truth when they see and feel it within themselves. When they use an appropriate remedy for their symptom whether it be sadness, anger, a bruise, scrape, inability to digest or go to the bathroom and find their condition improves, then there is no doubt or question in their minds. So, it is helpful for homeopaths to confirm the knowledge that the general public and experts in the field hold dear. That message is clear. Homeopathy works, no matter if it is put under a microscope. 

Reduce Isolation

Most homeopaths are considered sole proprietors because they work mostly on their own, distanced by many miles. There are some who work in hospitals, clinics and school environments who are fortunate to be able to share their work and discuss client cases. However, the majority plug away on their own. Twitter provides a communication tool to share highlights of the day and be  that “source of information” to inspire and motivate.

They can also feel they are working together advocating for this incredible healing modality. Not only can homeopaths connect with each other, but there are all those nurses, doctors, parents, athletes, construction workers, managers and the entire population of people who deal with the daily stresses of life. People who just don’t want to ‘pop a pill’ and have found homeopathy works for them. They experienced how homeopathic remedies support them through the physical, mental and emotional levels of stress. Many of these people say ‘it is my life’ or ‘it is my passion.’ They want to share and spread the news. Twitter is a way to congregate, advocate, and celebrate homeopathy all together.


So it seems connecting with other people, whether friend, colleague or client, the homeopath does not have to feel alone. And I just love it when someone Retweets a message, which brings me to my next reason! When some one retweets then you know that your message was not only read, heard, but valuable enough to be shared with others. What an honor. Often one tweet will lead to another. 

Surveys and Polls

When someone has a question or wants to learn a consensus then Twitter comes to the rescue. Create a poll in PollDaddy or TwitPoll and ask away. People are willing and ready to give their opinion.

Serve Others & Receive

When people are passionate about helping other people there are great rewards. First, is in knowing someone is healthier and happier. Second, because of your good deed, that grows your reputation. You become known as a helper and healer. People depend upon your advice and knowledge. You become an expert in your field. In turn, others Retweet what you have to say and often give glowing testimonials or recommendations. What a great way to grow your business.


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